An interactive full-day workshop on ethical and trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (AI) and education at the 30th international AIED 2023 Conference: I’m not surprised and very encouraged that our proposal was selected in strong competition.  The full workshop title is: “AI and Education. A view through the lens of human rights, democracy and the rule of law. Legal and organizational requirements”. The workshop follows the World Café method and will be conducted in a highly interactive manner. It will take place on Monday, 3rd of July 2023 as a hybrid event at the AIED 2023 Conference in Tokyo, Japan, as well as online. The workshop is closely aligned with the AIED 2023 Conference theme – “AI in Education for Sustainable Society”. It will provide an arena for the AIED community to familiarise themselves with the CoE initiative and to engage in follow on activities.

It is obvious and demanded from latest publications, studies and events that AI in education and beyond requires legal and organizational regulations. Therefore, the Council of Europe (CoE) took action as it is the international organisation founded in 1949 to uphold human rights, democracy and the rule of law in Europe. Currently, it has 46 member states (19 more than the European Union), with a population of approximately 675 million. In 2021, the CoE established a first AI&ED Expert Group to investigate, and propose a legal instrument for, the application (AIED) and teaching (AL Literacy) of AI in education. The project, entitled, “Artificial Intelligence and Education”, is working towards developing an actionable set of recommendations for Member States, helping ensure that the application and teaching of AI in education is for the common good.

To that end, the CoE AI&ED Expert Group has researched and written an initial report (“AI and Education. A critical view through the lens of human rights, democracy and the rule of law.”) and undertaken a survey of Member States, both of which have been designed to inform the project and to stimulate further critical debate. Currently, the CoE AI&ED Expert Group is working on the analysis of the survey and developing the legal instrument. All workshop organizers are members of the CoE AI&ED Expert Group and/or were invited by the CoE and contributing to the CoE Expert Conference “Artificial Intelligence and Education” held by the CoE on 18th and 19th of October 2022 in Strasbourg.

The workshop intends to achieve these learning objectives:

  • To explore potential guidelines for trustworthy and ethical AI usage and to critically assess their structure and usage scenarios
  • To develop ideas around personal future ramifications (including trustworthiness and ethical implications) and AI usage in education, and to collate, present and discuss these
  • To explore in group work and in the plenary how legal guidelines for trustworthy and ethical AI usage can be developed and designed, in particular related to legal and organizational requirements
  • To identify methods for dealing with the quick changing developments in AI, providing a legal framework that is flexible but also appropriately effective

Therefore, these guiding aspects will be addressed:

  • How can we develop and implement legal and organizational requirements for ethical AI introduction and usage?
  • How can we keep and maybe even strengthen human rights, democracy, digital equity and rules of law through AI-supported education and learning opportunities?
  • And how can we involve all educational levels (micro, meso, macro) and stakeholders to guarantee a trustworthy and ethical AI usage?

Main focus will be on the legal and organizational requirements to achieve a regulation in the fields of AI and Education (AI&ED). Basis will be the work and activities of the Council of Europe (CoE) and its appointed AI&ED Expert Group and in particular its initial report. All these open and urgent issues will be discussed and next steps in relation to these requirements and goals will be defined.

More information on the website of the workshop:


PS: The workshop concept and key results are published in the AIED Conference proceedings now.

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